Monday, June 6, 2011

tiffers: weigh-in, bitchy scale and ramen noodles.

a new ramble-y tiffers video.  you know you love it.

anyway, he're is a picture of my scale compared to my laptop:

it would be easier to stand on my laptop, but far less productive.
my feet look fine on it in this pic, but you can't see the way my knees are bent
up and smooshed together to make my feet fit.

so that's my douche-y scale.  i actually think my thighs are too fat, which is why it's hard to get my feet to stay on it.  damn you, fat thighs!  damn you to hell!

also i only weigh 216 if i weigh on the carpet.  maybe i should weigh on the carpet all the time!

love, tiffers

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